Weekly Insights

July 24, 2018 | Ronald J. Wilcock


July 19, 2018 - Insights into the equity, fixed-income, currency and commodity markets from RBC Wealth Management.

Diane and I spent some time this weekend getting ready for the arrival of the whole gang. We are really looking forward to having everyone here and to the great milestone of our long time family friend’s wedding celebration. Then we expect to have a fairly calm long weekend to recuperate.


This Past Week and more; Global markets were mixed last week with the battle of economic growth and earnings reports vs. geopolitical issues. Across the border the SP500 and DOW were 0.0%, and 0.2% respectively, while at home the TSX was -0.8%. Markets were flat yesterday due to Iran and Trump exchanging threats. So far 91% of the S&P 500 co’s reporting have beaten expectations, while 79% have beaten on sales - % beating is at historical highs. We have some of the major tech co’s reporting this week. Let’s hope for similar results and calm world issues. If investors can keep some perspective on Trumps tactics; we may see markets run up a little more, as they should be based on the actual metrics we are seeing.


We have been making portfolio adjustments accordingly and it has been serving clients well. If you have questions about your portfolio, or have not had a meeting about our very successful PIM – Private Investment Management – solution. Please contact myself or my associate Thao to receive more information and/or set up a meeting.


The Weekend/Weather; The 7th Annual Rock and Roll Rumble takes place Saturday from 5-11 pm at Carl Zehr Square in Kitchener. Live music featuring Honeymoon Suite and Northern Pikes; food trucks and craft brewery, hundreds of custom and vintage motorcycles, are all featured. For more information, visit http://www.kitchenerevents.ca/whats-on/events?eventID=152


After some much needed rain the past few days, we have the strong possibility of more for the remaining weekdays. Promises at this point though are for a pleasant Saturday and Sunday with some sun and mild weather.

Have an enjoyable week and weekend!


Global Insight WEEKLY

Focusing on the other “Big 3”

July 19, 2018


Global Insight Monthly

European equity downgrade: Continental drift

July 2018


My team provides a proven, comprehensive approach to wealth management for business owners and families. Should you know of any friends, family, or associates whom you think would benefit from our professional services, it would be my pleasure to talk with them to learn how we can help. Contact Us Here to be added to our Weekly Newsletter or to ask for a complimentary portfolio review.


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