Diane and I are on Sanitation and then Venue take down duty at Lobsterfest this Friday. The event is at Bingemans and is all you can eat Lobster and Ribs! There will be great live music from Amplified Midlife Crisis! All proceeds are in support of international aid projects focused on helping women and children in developing countries. Tickets are $100 and there is still availability if you are looking for a great evening out for a great cause.
This Past Week; Even through the volatility last week created by President’s Trumps musings that the Chinese trade concessions were not good enough, and his on again-off again-on again, North Korean summit; US markets managed to eke out slightly positive returns for the week. The Canadian market did not fare as well, down slightly for the week, partially affected by PT’s issues with North American free trade.
US markets are closed today due to the holiday south of the border. Consequently, Canadian markets are slower this morning.
The Weekend/Weather; After a very warm day today, the rest of the week will be more pleasant with temperatures again around that 80F/25C range. At this point they are calling for the weekend to cool off a little. Enjoy your week!
Global Insight WEEKLY
Bull market obstacle course
May 24, 2018
Global Insight Monthly
The year of the tariff
May 2018
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