Our guest speaker at Rotary lunch on Friday was Loren Padelford from Shopify. He holds about 7 different titles but, basically is in charge of the Waterloo operation. They are expanding into the office behind the building DS is located in, and growing from about 350 to 800 employees in Waterloo. He is a very smart person and has some very visionary thoughts and ideas. Only one of which is that KW needs to grow its population by 50,000 over the next 5 years in order to support the tech companies, other companies, and spin off needs that are occurring here. He understands it is a tall order and is taking initiative to get parties involved. It will be interesting to see how close we can get to this particular vision.
This Past Week; Volatility continued and was further spurred by President Trump’s tariff announcement. Most global equity markets were negative with the TSX down -1.6%, the Dow at -3.0%, and the SP500 at -2.0% for the week. Just this morning Trump has indicated that the only way the steel and aluminum tariff’s come off is if NAFTA is renegotiated favourably. I would imagine this will dominate the final day of talks today.
Global Insight WEEKLY
A dose of discipline
March 2, 2018
The Weekend/Weather; It looks to be a little cooler this week with some possible snow in the forecast.
Have a great week.
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