Weekly Insights

November 19, 2018 | Ronald J. Wilcock


November 15, 2018 - Insights into the equity, fixed-income, currency and commodity markets from RBC Wealth Management.

It’s Turkey Drive time again! My Rotary club’s annual campaign to raise funds for the House of Friendship Christmas hamper program. We will help thousands of local families enjoy a Christmas dinner and food throughout the Christmas Season.

If you are interested in finding out more simply click the link below.





The past Week and more; As predicted the volatility continues. The TSX was down -0.8% for the week while the S&P500 and DOW were down -1.6% and -2.2% respectively. The good news is that at this point, all 3 are still positive for the month of November. We know that can change at any point though. International and other equity markets partially mirrored these 3 majors; being mostly down for the week (excluding China due to overtures on some trade compromises) but, were mixed for the month to date.


Not Ready Yet; At this point we still believe it is too early to call a firm low and/or upward movement. It appears markets continue to trade in an up and down sideways pattern looking like they are moving in a direction and then toping/bottoming and turning. While we don’t yet feel confident in a firm movement, we do feel fine to chip away a tiny bit with the odd bargain or trim where we feel appropriate, while we continue to leave some dry powder for a point when we do believe in a more positive turn.

In the meantime we continue to monitor and analyse all the data and indicators.


Stay warm and have a great week!


Global Insight WEEKLY

Light at the end of the oil pipeline?

November 15, 2018


Global Insight Monthly

Pressure system

November 2018



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