Mercurial Markets

October 30, 2018 | Robert Thomson


An explanation of October's Market Volatility, and what we see ahead

We published an article on October 25th regarding the current volatility in the markets. Some of the main points:

  • We think the volatility is temporary
  • We do not believe the conditions causing the volatility will harm the underlying economic and earnings cycles
  • Forward indicators are signaling US economic expansion to persist over at least the next year.

The article goes on to discuss the disappointing earnings outlook (which is the biggest contributor to the current volatility) and the trade war and tariffs impact.


If you have concerns about the volatility, I’d encourage you to read the article. It’s a short read and it does a good job of clearly explaining RBC DS’s view on where we are right now.


Please click this link to open the article in your browser:


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