Ethical Investing
A growing number of investors are seeking to structure their portfolio in a way that reflects their beliefs about the world. Social Responsibility, Environmental beliefs and Progressive Governance are some of the major factors that are being considered when building a portfolio that can have a positive impact on the world around us. While early views argued that putting restrictions on your investment manager would result in lower returns in your portfolio, recent data indicates the opposite trend. Companies, sectors & asset managers that exhibit responsible actions in these areas are frequently outperforming those that do not make it a priority. Where some advisors are claiming to provide socially responsible offerings, this is frequently a vague effort to meet the growing interest from a segment of the market (often referred to as 'Green Washing'). Nick has diligently built a platform for his clients with guidance from the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, World Wildlife Federation & The Responsible Investment Association to which he is a member. He works with asset managers who actively engage with the companies we invest in to drive productive change.
RBC Dominion Securities provides the support and technology to bring these strategies to our clients beyond the exclusively mutual fund solutions that typically represent this space. If you'd like to learn more about our approach to a custom tailored Socially Responsible Investment Portfolio, we would be pleased to provide more information upon request.