Why investors should spend less time trying to avoid the dips and more time preparing for them

November 16, 2020 |Christine Morin
I'm sharing a short article by Tom Bradley. Common sense advice on the benefits of a diversified portfolio.
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Macro Memo - Week of November 10

November 12, 2020 |Christine Morin
RBC Global Asset Management's Chief Economist, Eric Lascelles, shares his latest MacroMemo for the week of November 10 - 16. Worth a quick read.
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Balmy November Day

November 05, 2020 |Christine Morin
Enjoying a balmy November day on Georgian Bay. Helps to put perspective on the things we can, and can't control. We can't control the outcome of the US election, nor the markets. We can, however, control how we shape our day.
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