March 2024 - “The Most Anticipated Recession Ever”

March 22, 2024 | Gallivan Wealth Management


Despite higher interest rates and what has been called “the most anticipated recession ever,” the consumer has stayed relatively healthy and the economy has continued to grow, albeit slowly.

A few topics our newsletter touches on this month:

  • Our Thoughts: “The Most Anticipated Recession Ever”
  • By the numbers: February
  • Other Things: Disruptors podcast, Global Insight Monthly, Why Wills Matter, Peter @ Youth Event

Our Thoughts:  “The Most Anticipated Recession Ever”

Healthy bull markets are said to traditionally climb a “wall of worry,” and that seems to capture the investor mindsight today. Despite higher interest rates and what has been called “the most anticipated recession ever,” the consumer has stayed relatively healthy and the economy has continued to grow, albeit slowly. Markets in turn have been on a roll, reassured by ongoing U.S. economic strength and  improving corporate fundamentals. This is a great example of why market timing rarely is successful. Going forward, market valuations may restrain near-term upside potential unless there is corresponding earnings growth.  Our focus continues to be on strong businesses that have healthy cash flows to pay a rising dividend.  In the last quarter alone, there were fourteen dividend increases in the Canadian portfolio. 

The bond market had a nil return last month as persistent strength in the labour market kept both the US and Canadian central banks from cutting rates, despite signs of inflation slowing. That said, yields are still higher than what we have gotten used to over the last decade, provide reduced volatility to a portfolio, and will look attractive when central banks begin cutting rates.

By the numbers (February):  The TSX was up 1.8% and the S&P 500 was up 5.3% in U.S. dollars (6.4% in $CAD). The Europe, Australia & Far East index (EAFE) was up 2.7%, while the Emerging Markets index was up 5.7%. the Canadian bond market was flat.

Interesting Listening/Reading

Federal Budget out April 16th : This will be a much anticipated budget as economists have been writing a lot recently about Canada’s declining income per capita (our population has been increasing faster than our GDP) - per capita GDP is a key measure of wealth for program affordability.

International Womens Day 2024: International Women’s Day this Friday March 8th is a day for everyone to reflect on progress made to date towards equality, to celebrate acts of courage and determination by women around the world and to highlight actions we can all take to advance the representation of women. Gallivan Wealth Management is donating to the Society for Canadian Women in Science and Technology (SCWIST), a non-for-profit society specialized in improving the presence and influence of women and girls in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.

Peter (pictured below) was invited to chair the national conference of AIESEC in Canada, of which RBC Future Launch is a national sponsor. AIESEC is a global student-led organization that focuses on leadership development and facilitates an international exchange program. Peter is proud to be both an alumni of AIESEC and a representative of the RBC Future Launch initiative.  















Mark, Peter, Sarah, Corinne and Nathalie

Gallivan Wealth Management

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