May 2022: Positive Outlook on Earnings

May 05, 2022 | Gallivan Wealth Management Team


It's been a challenging few weeks for global equity markets as we see more than a bit of investor wariness despite a generally positive earnings season. Other highlights: income splitting prescribed rate deadline and a spotlight on tech stocks.

A few topics our newsletter touches on this month:

  • Our Thoughts: Positive Outlook on Earnings  
  • Spousal Loan Interest Deadline June 30th for 1% Prescribed Rate
  • Other Links: Global Insight, RBC Economics & More

Our Thoughts: Positive Outlook on Earnings 

It has been a challenging few weeks for global equity markets, with most having been relatively weak of late. There’s no one factor to blame, though inflationary pressures and the implications for central bank interest rate policy remain core issues. Uncertainty around the Ukraine conflict is undoubtedly also affecting markets. The result is a mixed bag that has generated more than a bit of investor wariness despite a generally positive earnings season.

Investors were quite cautious heading into earnings season, believing that companies were witnessing deteriorating demand, or rising costs, or worse yet, a combination of both. Fortunately, the results reported thus far have been somewhat reassuring. Earnings growth for the broader developed markets is now expected to be over 10%, nearly double the original estimate at the start of the reporting season. Moreover, some of the upside to forecasts has been driven by margins, suggesting cost pressures have not been as severe as expected, or at least not yet. Nevertheless, there are clearly some industries where labour, commodities, and other inputs are either in short supply or witnessing meaningful pricing pressures. On average, the results suggest that companies are still seeing decent levels of demand, particularly from consumers, and are finding ways to navigate through the cost pressures with a degree of resiliency.

The outlier in terms of investor sentiment continues to be the Technology sector, with one important factor weighing on it: anticipation of higher interest rates. Stock prices tend to be driven by a discount rate that is applied to a stream of future earnings, cash flows, and dividends. The rate that is used is heavily influenced by the level of interest rates. All things equal, a higher rate results in lower prices, and vice versa. Higher growth stocks, like some of those in the technology sector, are particularly sensitive because of the back-ended growth of their long-term cash flows. As a result, it’s not surprising to see technology stocks under pressure in a year when bond yields have been rising and central banks are expected to raise rates rather forcefully.

Overall, investors should be comforted to some extent by the earnings season that has unfolded thus far. It suggests the operating environment remains reasonably healthy from a demand perspective. Nevertheless, the results have not been enough to offset the myriad of macroeconomic and geopolitical issues that continue to confront investors. For this reason, we continue to prioritize diversification in our equity portfolios to ensure they are as prepared as they can be for a potentially wider range of future outcomes.

Spousal Loan Interest June 30th Deadline for 1% Prescribed Rate:

Clients who could benefit from making family loans for income splitting have until June 30th to lock in a 1% prescribed interest rate. If you are interested in learning more about this type of strategy, or reviewing your financial plan, please reach out to our team to book a call.

By the numbers (April): The TSX was down 5% while S&P 500 was down 6.1% (-8.7% in US dollars). The Europe, Australia & Far East index (EAFE) was down 4.1%, while the Emerging Markets index was down 3.1%. The Canadian bond universe was down 3.5%.

Interesting Listening/Reading

Reminder: Please let us know if any of your personal information has changed including your address, banking information, contact information and employment details

Summer is a great time to review you long-term goals and retirement plans - please do not hesitate to reach out to any member of our team to book a consultation.

Mark, Sarah, Peter, Corinne & Nathalie

Gallivan Wealth Management Team

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