13 mai 2019 | Lee Schaffer


Comprehensive Wealth Management is what we do!


Lee has been involved in wealth management since the age of 15, after he and his 12-year-old brother inherited their father's estate. At a young age, Lee was left with the primary responsibility of managing the family wealth, and didn’t know where to turn for help.

As a result of his own experiences, Lee decided to pursue a career in wealth management. One of his primary motivations is to help his clients avoid the difficult and costly lessons that he experienced as a youth. This has resulted in an investment discipline for his clients that prioritizes capital preservation and growth that is achieved without taking on any unnecessary risk. Lee's passion to provide his clients with trusted, friendly and knowledgeable service continues to drive him to this day.

Passion, trust and knowledge are the three pillars of Lee's team.



As a result of his own, early experiences with wealth management, Lee passionately believes in helping all of his clients:

* clearly identify their financial goals

* develop the appropriate strategies to accomplish these goals

* design lower risk, tax-efficient, growth portfolios

* choose cost-efficient solutions


Lee feels that all of his clients are entitled to honest, straightforward advice that puts their needs first.

* a financial plan that articulates your financial goals and what is required to accomplish them

* a personalized wealth management solution that is cost-effective and tax-efficient without taking unnecessary risk

* regular reviews to ensure that you are on track


Lee recognizes that the foundation for making strong financial decisions is comprehensive wealth management knowledge.

* As a CIM (Chartered Investment Manager), Lee has extensive knowledge of individual North American equities, specializing in high-quality, dividend paying, world-class businesses

* As a Personal Financial Planner, Lee understands the complex issues that must be navigated in order to achieve your financial goals