Own Your Future – What does “Own Your Future” mean?

February 21, 2024 | Jonathan Greenwald


The "Own Your Future" philosophy (and name of this blog) is designed to help you meet both short-term and long-term financial objectives, preparing you for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

“Own Your Future” has two distinct meanings, as explained below.

  1. Be an Owner, not a Loaner.

Investing in equity— either through stocks, mutual funds, ETFs, or other securities—is essential for building wealth. When you invest in equities, you become a part owner of a business, hence “Owning” your future. Historically, being an owner, or equity holder, has yielded higher rates of return compared to holding bonds or other debt securities (i.e. being a “loaner”) over time, proving to be a vital tool for wealth accumulation. Despite the higher volatility and perceived risk associated with owning equities, their significant growth potential over the long-term positions them as a preferred choice for investors looking to enhance and maintain their purchasing power and secure financial stability for the future. We believe our clients should be owners of great businesses, with high barriers to entry, during their lifetime.  

  1. Take Ownership of Your Financial Goals

Want our clients to “Own” their financial future by being in the know. This proactive approach not only reduces stress and provides peace of mind, but also clears the path toward financial independence.

Empowering yourself through financial education is important for long-term success and stability. We do not require our clients to be involved in investment decisions, however, we ask that clients to be ‘in the know’ about their finances, and how financial decisions for their benefit are made. Being ‘in the know’ enables our clients to understand more about their investments, savings, and spending, and how we avoid common financial pitfalls such as excessive debt and emotional decision making. Understanding your own financial goals allows for strategic planning and better navigation through economic uncertainties, fostering a sense of control, confidence, and empowerment.

Embracing the journey of financial ownership by being an equity holder and financial education is the first step in owning your financial future.