Protecting Your Assets Against Cybercrime

September 24, 2019 | Frank Sakellariou


With the number of cyber related incidents growing at an alarming rate, Cyber Security Awareness Month has become a global campaign held each October. The campaign is focused on educating businesses and individuals on the importance of cybersecurity. With the month of October quickly approaching we thought it would be appropriate to study the issue a little further.
According to statistics Canada, in 2017, there were more than 27,000 cyber related incidents reported. In the same year, a Campden Research study discovered that 38% of ultra-high-net worth families did not have a cybersecurity plan in place.
Hackers are getting smarter and are using sophisticated tactics to mine your personal information.
RBC has partnered with research firm Ipsos to study the threats of cybercrime and to understand the steps that individuals can take to protect themselves.
“Studies found that while 77 percent of Canadians believe they are knowledgeable on cyber security, only 16 percent could identify the majority of cyber terms correctly”
Are you doing enough to protect your business and your family against cybercrime? To learn more about what you can do we invite you to read the recently published RBC Wealth Management article by clicking on the following link: Cybersecurity: How high-net-worth households can protect themselves.
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