When will RBC be mailing my RRSP contribution receipt / tax slip?
- RBC mails RRSP contribution slips in three batrches - mid-January, late-January and daily thereafter. For last 10 months of 2023, the receipts will be issued in mid-January. For first 60 days of 2024, the receipts will be issued in late January and daily thereafter.
When will RBC let me know how much I need to take out of my RRIF/LIF/LRIF/RLIF/PRIF?
- Your RRIF evaluation letter will be mailing in late January however current information is always avaiable online (or by calling your RBC team). In this document, you'll find details including:
- the value of your assets at December 31, 2023;
- the minimum amount that must be withdrawn;
- the maximum amount that can be withdrawn if you have a Life Income Fund (LIF), Locked-in Retirement Income Fund (LRIF)
- your desired payment amounts and frequency.
When will I receive my RBC T4RIF/T4RSP/RL-2/NR4 slips? (For RRSP or RRIF withdrawals)
- Approximate mailing date: Late February
- Approximate online availability: Late February
- Issued to report withdrawals from a RRIF, LIF, LRIF, RLIF, or PRIF accounts. All payments from above plans must be included in your income. Relevé 2 slips for Quebec residents/NR4 slips for non-residents are issued.