Other Registered
T4A/RL-1/NR4 (RESP withdrawals)
- Approximate mailing date: Late February
- Approximate online availability: Late February
- Issued to report receipt of Educational Assistance Payments by the beneficiaries of a Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP) during 2023 calendar year and/or Accumulated Income Payments to the subscriber during 2023 calendar year. Relevé 1 slips for Quebec residents/NR4 slips for non-residents are issued.
- Approximate mailing date: Late February
- Approximate online availability: Late February
- Issued to non-residents of Canada who received Canadian investment income. Both the gross amount of the income received and any Canadian non-resident taxes withheld are reported.
T5013/RL-15 (limited partnership income)
- Approximate mailing date: Throughout March
- Approximate online availability: Throughout March
- Issued to report the allocation of limited partnership’s income among the Canadian resident partners. A Relevé 15 slip corresponding to T5013 slip is issued to Quebec residents. SK-METC (The Saskatchewan Mineral Exploration Tax Credit) slip is issued to Saskatchewan taxpayers who invest in eligible flow-through shares issued by mining or exploration companies.
U.S. reporting
1042-S (non-U.S. beneficial owners of flow-through entities)
- Approximate mailing date: Late March
- Approximate online availability: Not available
- Issued to non-U.S. persons that are beneficial owners of flow-through entities with reportable U.S.-source income. These slips are filed with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
1099 official package (for QI/U.S. persons)
- Approximate mailing date: Late February
- Approximate online availability: Not available
- Issued to U.S. and suspected U.S. persons with income that is required to be filed with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
- 1099-DIV: Reportable dividends paid to U.S. persons subject to U.S. tax laws.
- 1099-INT: Reportable Interest paid to U.S. persons subject to U.S. tax laws.
- 1099-B: Reportable proceeds from sales or redemptions of securities, issued to U.S. residents.
- 1099-MISC “Miscellaneous Income”: Reportable income not included in any of the above forms (such as U.S. royalty income).
- Effectively connected income from U.S. limited partnerships: Reportable distributions will be provided on the 1042-S slip, which will be mailed separately from the 1099 package.
1099 unofficial package (for QI/U.S. persons)
- Approximate mailing date: Late February
- Approximate online availability: Not available
- Issued to U.S. and suspected U.S. persons who do not receive “official” 1099 packages.
- Information in the “Unofficial” 1099 package is not filed with the IRS and these unofficial forms should not be attached to a tax return.
- Effectively connected income from U.S. limited partnerships: Reportable distributions will be provided on the 1042-S slip, which is mailed separately from the 1099 package.