More money coming to Ontario parents - you need to apply by February 8th

January 08, 2021 | Vito Finucci


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A friendly reminder for Ontario parents with kids under 18!! There are a couple of programs providing one-time funding to help offset costs during the school year.

We previously mentioned the benefit for children 12 and under: Here is the link to the government site.

  • You get $200 per child 12 and under (even newborn babies). This benefit is not income tested and needs to be applied for by February 8, 2021.

Good news!!

The Ontario government is expanding the Support for Learners program to include secondary school students to help offset education expenses. Support will be available for those who attend a public or private school or who are homeschooled. This is for students aged 13 until Grade 12. The application window opened JANUARY 11th.

It is important to apply as the benefit is only available for a limited time.


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