Webex: First-time user of Cisco Webex Meetings

August 08, 2020 | The Finucci Janitis Group


Do you have an upcoming Webex meeting? How to download the app for your iOS or Android device.

rbc webex meeting rbc london ontario

To download the Cisco Webex Meetings App:

  1. On your smartphone or tablet, open up the App Store / Google Play
  2. In the “Search” bar, type in Cisco Webex Meetings
  3. Click “Search”
  4. The top result will look something like this:

  5. Click 'Get or 'Download' on the Cisco Webex Meetings App
  6. Once installed, open up the App to see this screen:

To join the meeting:

  1. Your Finucci Janitis Group contact will have sent you an email with the Webex meeting details. Open up that email on the smartphone or tablet that you have downloaded the Cisco Webex Meetings App*.
  2. Click the green “Join meeting” button within the email.

    *If you do not have the ability to open up the email on your smartphone or tablet:

    a. Click the green “Join meeting” button on the home screen of the Webex Meetings App.
    b. Manually enter in the Meeting Number (a 9-digit number found within the email invitation), your name and email. 
    c. In the top right hand corner of the box, click "Join".

  3. You will see a pop up that gives you options on how to connect your sound. Our recommendation is to select “Use Internet for Audio” or “Call Me”
  • Using internet for audio will use the smartphone or tablet WiFi to connect you to sound
  • Selecting “Call Me” will prompt the App to ask you to enter in your phone number. Once you've submitted your phone number, it will call you. When you answer, press '1' to be connected

You are now connected!

  • If you would like, feel free to click on the microphone button to mute or unmute yourself, and the video camera button to turn on/off your camera (if the button is RED, the sound or camera is OFF)


  • We’re here to help – please call us at 519-675-2021 or email us at fjwealth@rbc.com

