Employment plunged in March – with much worse to come

April 10, 2020 |RBC Economics

The 1 million drop in jobs in March reported this morning makes every other month-over-month change in the labour force survey data before look like a rounding error.

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Record-breaking declines ahead

Record-breaking declines ahead

April 09, 2020 |Josh Nye

The coronavirus pandemic continues to take a tragic human toll while wreaking havoc on health care systems and economies across the globe.

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A downturn like no other

A downturn like no other

April 09, 2020 |RBC Economics

The economic cost of the COVID-19 crisis may pale in comparison to the human cost.

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COVID-19 hit to housing market is just the beginning of a tough period

April 03, 2020 |Robert Hogue
Canada's housing market passed a major inflection point mid-March Early results from local real estate boards show a sharp drop-off in home resales in the second half of the month after what was a strong first half. We expect activity to slow to a crawl...
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Government policies to offset COVID-19 shock on low-wage workforce

April 03, 2020 |Andrew Agopsowicz

The COVID-19 shock has hit the services sector staggeringly hard—a sector that has traditionally served as an economic buffer in past downturns.

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Bold and broad: federal government announces details for wage subsidy

April 01, 2020 |Colin Guldimann
Highlights: Ottawa pledges $71 billion to pay 75% of wages up to $847 per week for workers in hard-hit industries Government estimates amount to paying about a quarter of earnings in the economy for three months Support will be for firms with revenues...
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