
“Set your course by the stars, not 
by the lights of every passing ship.” 

Success over the long term, through any environment, requires a strong balance of knowledge and judgment. Backed by the powerful resources of RBC Dominion Securities, we access significant human talent and diverse sources of timely information. World-class research and proprietary technology combine with our distinctive investment management process to make sound portfolio decisions. 
At the outset, we work with you to clearly define your investment objectives, income needs, asset mix guidelines, security selection criteria, and review processes — with careful attention to tax, retirement, and estate planning strategies. Once agreed upon, we structure your diversified portfolio and develop your Customized Investment Policy Statement. Constant monitoring with regular portfolio reviews and performance reporting ensures the process is flexible, yet disciplined enough to achieve your desired results. Having this expert, enduring guidance is a unique and long-standing relationship — one that enables you to remain focused on your other personal or professional goals.