Wednesday Linkfest

December 07, 2023 | Criterion Capital Group


The top 10 things about U.S. Equities in 2024, a road that charges EV's as they drive, estate planning tips for business owners and the loss of a TV comedy legend .

Criterion Capital Group

Lori Calvasina, our Head of U.S. Equity Strategy, lays out the Top Ten Things She is Thinking About in US Equities Heading into 2024.

Almost 30 years ago, I worked for a company that was involved with what was known, at the time, as Intelligent Transportation Systems. Now some of the things that were dreamed about then are becoming reality. In Detroit, their newest road charges EV's as they drive on it.

Dive into the intricacies of preserving your business' future, navigating the complexities of tax and succession planning with our estate planning tips for business owners.

All in the Family. Maude. The Jeffersons. One Day at a Time. Sanford and Son. The culture changing television creator and writer Norman Lear represented the greatest of the greatest generation. The man whose comedies changed the face of televion passes away at 101.