Wednesday Linkfest

November 23, 2023 | Criterion Capital Group


Are "smart homes" really smart? Also, a free Personal Finance Essentials course, Canada's main inflation metric dropped again in October, and a Special Report on the global semi-conductor market.

Criterion Capital Group

After updating my Hue lights due to the change back to Standard Time, and tweaking my Ecobee thermostat to a new optimized schedule, I found this interesting. Are "smart homes" really smart?

Financial Literacy Month is almost over. As we wrap up the month, a reminder that RBC has partnered with McGill University and The Globe and Mail to create the McGill Personal Finance Essentials course. It is a free, online course available to anyone interested in improving their financial skills and knowledge.

Canada's year-over-year inflation growth dropped from 3.8% September to 3.1% for the month of October. RBC's Economics team has a deeper look at the monthly report here and here.

The chip (semi-conductor) industry's re-shoring revolution. RBC Wealth Management is out with a Special Report exploring the challenges and opportunities arising from the repatriation of some elements of the production processes.