What is our process?

1. Discovery

First, we ask questions, listen to you and gather the necessary information to complete a detailed analysis of your financial situation. Through this analysis, we identify specific concerns important to you, such as estate issues, U.S. residency issues, tax planning opportunities, etc. With this complete, we are in a position to understand your unique needs and help you achieve your goals.

Email us to see an example of our comprehensive financial analysis tool, the Family Snapshot™

2. Formalize your goals

Together we prepare an Investment Policy Statement (IPS). The IPS is a written expression of your investment goals, expectations, specific concerns. It explicitly provides us with asset mix ranges and quality constraints regarding credit ratings of bonds and preferred shares. The IPS gives you the confidence of knowing that we know exactly what you expect from us in terms of how your money is to be managed. This is your life savings after all, so this should be a written document. It is signed by all parties, and becomes the basis for the managed portfolio process.

To see an example of an IPS, please contact us

3. Construct your portfolio

Your portfolios are constructed using our unique and time-tested portfolio management process. Your combination of high quality stocks, bonds and preferred shares is professionally constructed to reduce risk and maximize after-tax cash flow in retirement, according to your retirement income plan.

To learn more about our investment discipline, email or call us to arrange an appointment

4. Monitor and rebalance your portfolio

We monitor portfolio holdings daily to ensure they remain optimal. We also review portfolios together formally whenever required – in person, over the phone or by mail, based on your individual needs and preferences.

5. Report on your progress

We send you a quarterly consolidated report that shows net performance on a combined basis for the recent quarter, year to date, and since inception. We also provide annual and compound returns year-by-year.

6. Provide ongoing service

Our approach is open and flexible. As our clients, you are encouraged to contact us any time, and we contact you proactively when needed. We will provide you with a service plan that meets your needs. There is no formula here – you let us know what works for you.