COVID-19 Update #3 - Managing Your Emotions

April 01, 2020 | The Eydt Wealth Advisory Group


With the never ending flood of media coverage on COVID-19 it’s easy to get bogged down with negative energy and anxiety.

As we’ve discussed during our educational session called Investor Psychology, the human brain typically gives twice as much energy to negative news than to positive. Understanding this concept helps us to shape our behaviors to be productive instead of destructive.

For example, excessive checking of the stock market or your portfolio statements can lead to stress and ultimately leading to poor investment decisions. Click on this interesting interactive tool you can try below.

This concept could also be applied to the COVID-19 media coverage. Instead of allowing the mainstream media and social media to passively consume you… we are happy to report, the majority of you are choosing to be proactive with your social distancing time and devoting more energy to positive pursuits like:

  • personal projects
  • personal development (mentally and physically)
  • spending quality time with loved ones one-on-one within the household
  • connecting virtually with friends and family

Our Focus

  • Portfolio Specialists Communication – We’ve increased our review meetings with our portfolio specialists and their teams of analysts to ensure we are understanding the risks and opportunities the current environment presents
  • Portfolio Strategies – Our core investment philosophy remains steadfast in investing in companies that are market leaders, have a strong financial foundation and have a best in class management team. We couple this with solid fixed income investments to buffer short-term market swings. Rebalancing the asset mix and implementing minor tactical adjustments to the portfolio, allow us to take advantage of opportunities without making big bets.
  • Keeping You Updated – Although we have temporarily paused our face to face meetings, we have devoted that time to one-on-one phone calls and online meetings for personal updates as well as weekly emails for general updates.
  • Helping Friends and Family – Some of you have asked us to help their friends and/or family. Individuals who have expressed concern about the experience they are having with their investments. They are looking for a plan that provides the necessary clarity, stability and confidence so they can enjoy their money. A great way to share your experience with us is through our website at

Continue to take care of yourselves, your family and we look forward to connecting with you shortly.