Steed Cycles Expert Cycling Info Session #3 Training Smart - Enhance your Indoor Trainer Experience

October 03, 2018 | The Eydt Wealth Advisory Group


On September 26th, over 25 people filled the Steed Cycles shop in North Vancouver to learn about the latest in indoor trainer technology, training techniques and online applications to enhance the indoor cycling experience.

As part of our goal of supporting healthy living and community building, we have sponsored the Steed Cycles Ride Club that has over 200 members.  As part of our sponsorship we are organizing and hosting the Steed Cycles Expert Cycling Info Sessions.  This session focused on bringing cycling indoors and creating the best experience possible to get the most enjoyment and health benefits as possible.





Kevin Calhoun, elite mountain bike and cyclocross racer and distributor of Tacx trainers, discussed the different trainer technologies. Starting from the traditional magnetic and fluid resistance trainers to the newest “smart” trainers. These smart trainers can be controlled by virtual reality online programs to replicate outdoor riding and racing, even providing real life road feel of cobblestones and off-road vibrations!



Our very own Eric Hung, Associate Wealth Advisor of The Eydt Wealth Advisory Group and Steed Cycles Elite Masters Road and Cyclocross racer, shared his knowledge about his extensive indoor training experience. Just as we do in our wealth process, Eric recommended first clarifying your goals, before understanding which trainer system is right for you. Goals could vary from just having fun on the trainer, to racing, to enhancing your performance through a discipline 2-3 month training plan. With clear goals, you can then create a road map before implementing your plan. This will help you narrow down the type of trainer, online applications and auxiliary equipment that is right for you.



The technology and online infrastructure is evolving every month, the type of trainer to use is only one of many decisions to make. Adding in virtual reality simulation with programs like Zwift, month long training plans with TrainerRoad or incorporating movies, audio books and music to pass the time, can get confusing and costly. Before you dive in, it’s recommended you discuss your goals, time commitment and budget with an expert like Steve Savage, Manager of Steed Cycles and Elite Road and Cyclocross racer, to design a system that’s right for you.



We've created a summary below to help you clarify your goals and find the best application combination to attain them.  Stay tuned for the next Steed Cycles Expert Cycling Info Session - Strength Training with Olympic Cyclist Gina Grain!