Weekly Update, October 22nd, 2021

October 22, 2021 | Brenda Miller


Good Afternoon,


Happy Friday from Brenda Miller Wealth Management Group! Brenda's trip has entered its second half, as she will be returning late next week. She has a couple views to share with you from B.C.:

The markets have continued to do well, but we should exercise caution, as inflation is a concern. You can read about that in yesterday's edition of the Current Account, as well as the "great energy crunch of 2021" and an update on the situation with Evergrande. There are actually two different Current Accounts that Brenda thought you might find interesting this week. The other one is Wednesday's, which features a John Stackhouse piece on Climate Change, as well as discussing that several multinational corporations are moving towards zero-emission shipping methods. Both of these also link to our special report, the $2 Trillion Transition.


Taylor's word of the week is Sequestration, which means removal or separation, or to withdraw into seclusion. More in line with today's articles, it can also refer to Carbon sequestration, which refers to the trapping of emissions and storing them away.


Have a great weekend,


Brenda, Taylor, and Joel