Giving back to our community: RBC Dominion Securities Toronto Midtown

October 01, 2024 | bloor-street-branch


Giving back to our community: RBC Dominion Securities Toronto Midtown

The Toronto Midtown branch of RBC Dominion Securities is committed to supporting our local community, and your loyalty and support helps us do just that. We are pleased to share that our branch has recently contributed to several incredible causes.

Here’s how we are making a difference in a range of areas, from community outreach to health to arts and culture, and more.

Community outreach

  • Church of the Redeemer

The Common Table Drop-In Program is a grassroots community effort where volunteers provide support to downtown Toronto residents living on the streets, in shelters or in substandard housing. Common Table offers several forms of support: Drop-in with meals and basic services, case management to address specific needs such as housing referrals, and street outreach. The Common Table (

  • Daily Bread Food Bank

Food charities are expecting an 18% increase in demand in 2024, which translates into another million people having to rely on food banks to survive. Daily Bread's mission is to eliminate food insecurity and advocate for solutions to end poverty. Daily Bread

  • Second Harvest Canada

In Canada every year, 58% of all food produced is lost or wasted, and yet 5.6 million Canadians are food insecure. Second Harvest finds surplus, edible food that businesses can’t use, and gets it to the people in our communities who need it. Second Harvest: Food Rescue Charity In Canada

  • One Family Fund Canada

OneFamily’s goal is to support and empower victims of terror and their families in Israel, so that they can achieve physical, emotional, and financial independence, and successfully reintegrate into society. One Family Fund – Overcoming Terror Together


  • Toronto Centre for Community Learning and Development

This wonderful organization supports events and education programs for at-risk and new Canadian families. Operating for decades, this charity encourages youth social engagement. Landing Page - Toronto Centre of Learning & Development (

  • First Book Canada

This organization is building a world where every child has access to a quality education. They work to remove barriers to education and level the playing field for kids in need. Book and education resources are distributed to programs and schools to help children from low-income families in Canada. First Book Canada | Providing equal access to quality education for kids in need since 2009

  • John Tavares Foundation

The Foundation’s mission is to help kids everywhere understand the importance of proper nutrition and embrace healthy lifestyle options that fuel both their passions and potential. By equipping them with essential resources, we can support their physical, cognitive, and emotional well-being. John Tavares Foundation - Creating Brighter Futures – The John Tavares Foundation

  • Western University

Western combines research excellence with a transformational student experience to create a meaningful impact in their communities and beyond. Western Giving – Why Western (

  • Stepstones for Youth

Stepstones provides support for young people aged 10 to 25 transitioning out of the foster care system, which we believe is an important and very specific niche in our community that could easily be forgotten. The organization strives to prevent homelessness, mental health issues and perpetual poverty. Supporting youth in and from foster care (


  • Autism Dog Services Inc. (ADS)

ADS fosters the integration of individuals with autism by training, placing, and supporting dogs that offer safety, companionship, and independence for people on the autism spectrum, or related developmental disorders, over the age of three. Autism Dog Services - Safety, Companionship, Independence.

  • OVC Pet Trust

We would like to support charities that support animal welfare, as well as the relationship between pets, their people and veterinary care givers. OVC Pet Trust, founded in 1986 at the Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph, is Canada’s first charitable fund dedicated to improving and advancing companion animal health and well-being. Home Page | OVC Pet Trust (


  • Myeloma Canada

Thousands of Canadians are diagnoses with multiple myeloma each year. This type of cancer has no cure, and is terminal. There aren’t a lot of resources/trials that are offered in North America. Myeloma Canada’s mission is to improve the lives of Canadians affected by myeloma, accelerate access to the best care, while supporting the pursuit of its cure and prevention. Myeloma Canada homepage | Myeloma Canada

  • Royal Ottawa Foundation for Mental Health

Do It for Daron (DIFD) supports education, awareness, and research initiatives at The Royal Ottawa Mental Health Centre that encourage young people to talk openly about mental illness and to ask for help when needed. About The Foundation | The Royal

  • Canadian Lung Association

This worthwhile organization funds vital research so that new treatments and cures can help save lives. The program promotes greater understanding of lung disease and advocates for positive change in lung health. Canadian Lung Association | Canadian Lung Association

  • Alzheimer Society of New Brunswick Inc.

The Society advances the search for the cause and cure for dementia. It is the leading not-for-profit health organization in the province dedicated to improving the quality of life for people living with dementia. Alzheimer Society of New Brunswick

  • Lions Head Hospital Auxiliary

The Auxiliary supports the general operation of the community hospital, which would be unable to function at its current capacity without the financial support of the community. Without the hospital, locals need to leave the area to get the care they need.

  • Ontario Parents Advocating for Children with Cancer (OPACC)

The mission of the OPACC, since its establishment in 1995, has been to be the parent voice for families with children diagnosed with cancer across Ontario. OPACC helps families through free programs and support services including in-hospital and virtual peer support, financial support, and community support.

  • South Muskoka Hospital Foundation

Since its establishment in 1980, and through the generosity of the community, the Foundation has helped to fund three major capital campaigns for building renovations and has invested more than $55 million in equipment, facilities, and programs at the South Muskoka Memorial Hospital. Muskoka Algonquin Healthcare (

  • Casey House Foundation

As a sub-acute hospital, Casey House offers comprehensive inpatient and outpatient holistic health care for people living with, and at risk of, HIV and AIDS. About Us | Casey House

  • Foundation for Prader-Will Research Canada

Prader-Willi Syndrome (PWS) is a rare genetic disorder that affects about 3,000 Canadians and their families. Symptoms include both physical and cognitive disabilities. The Foundation has had great success in funding research that makes a direct difference in improving the lives of those with PWS and their families and communities. Foundation for Prader-Willi Research Canada (

Arts and Culture

  • Canadian Raceboat Hall of Fame

Our support helped fund the opening of the Canadian Raceboat Hall of Fame in July 2024. This is the only raceboat museum in Canada and features boats and stories that encompass Canada’s boating history, and showcases Canadian Achievements in design, building and competitive racing of boats.

  • Tirgan Centre for Art and Culture

Tirgan is a nonpartisan, non-religious, nonprofit Canadian registered charitable organization committed to promoting cross-cultural dialogue between Iranian-Canadians and the global community at large, through year-round production of cultural programs including festivals.

  • Shakespearience Performing Arts

Since 1998, almost 100,000 students in more than 2,500 sessions in four countries, mentored by a professional actor and a certified teacher, have enjoyed the benefits of Shakespearience. The programs play a unique role in developing language, communication, analysis, problem-solving skills, as well as self-discipline, patience and empathy, while building confidence and reinforcing self-esteem. The charity is also well established and has been in existence for a long time. This runs in line with our core values of experience and longevity – something we firmly believe in.


Thank you for your support that allows us to continue to make a positive difference in our community. Learn more about each organization at the links provided above.