Youth Presentation

January 09, 2019 | Allan Morse


Happy New Year.

To kick-off 2019, and in our continued effort to bring quality information to you and your families, The Morse Team at RBCDS has an exciting event planned that has been designed specifically for your kids, grandkids, nieces and nephews.

I think we would all agree that there is a lack of fundamental training and education for young people as it pertains to personal finance and investing. Schools present classes in science and english, among others, as required courses for graduation from high school but sadly, not personal finance. We believe everyone needs to have some basic financial skills in order to pursue, and ultimately achieve, their financial goals.

Our presentation will focus on financial skill building that will help young people in their pursuit of earning a decent income over their lifetime. Additionally, we will talk about becoming an expert in basic household budgeting so that there will be savings to invest for their futures. We will keep it basic and to the point so young people of all ages will be able to engage and take away the important lessons and tools to launch their own investment strategies. I encourage you to take a look at recent data in Canada on the soaring levels of personal debt and the declining levels of savings. It’s alarming to say the least. Something fundamental has to change or there will be major problems for this generation and those to come. So, we would like to offer a starting point to change with this upcoming event that will focus on financial success.

I have also asked Laura Murphy to come to speak to the kids on achieving success by overcoming obstacles. Laura, who was born and raised in Charlottetown, is an Independent Consultant with Arbonne Canada – an online health & wellness business – and is one of the company’s top Vice Presidents. She has built up a team of over 2000 independent consultants across Canada and the US. She was selected to be a keynote speaker at the company's national conference in Toronto recently and spoke on this very subject to over 3000 in attendance. She is an excellent speaker and has a great message to share.

We ask you to tag along and join in at the event. We think that you can use the information that comes from this presentation as a stepping-off point for further discussions with the young people in your lives. This is important stuff and we are excited to have the opportunity to share it with you and your families.

I do hope that you can come to this important presentation.


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