How I Support Women for Mental Health in Ottawa

May 30, 2017 | Colleen O’ Connell-Campbell


Women for Mental Health is a philanthropic program at The Royal bringing together like-minded women who inspire conversations and support for mental health to shift attitudes and make real progress in changing the way people think about mental health. The Women for Mental Health program is committed to advancing change through conversations, and meaningful and collective philanthropy.


Every time I speak about losing my brother to suicide in 2004, I meet somebody who has been touched by mental illness. In many cases, they recount their own loss to suicide. It is often the first time they are sharing openly their story of losing a friend, a family member, a business associate, a teammate, or acquaintance. 


As a founding member of Women for Mental Health at The Royal, I have drawn strength and courage to continue to share my own personal experience. There is still so much we need to learn about mental illness. Research is needed to advance treatment and practical clinical practice along with access to services. Paying it forward through a monthly automatic pledge is/was easy. It was natural to renew my pledge after the initial five years; and it became a part of my spending plan. Besides, it feels good to know that I am supporting mental health – helping more people get better faster.


You know who I am. Are you with me?


Learn more about Women for Mental Health at The Royal. 


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