Frequently Asked Questions

Below are the frequently asked questions by our clients. For details, please send your inquiries from Contact Us. We will reply to you individually.

1) Do I have to have an account at RBC Royal Bank to open an investment account at RBC Wealth Management?

2) I am new to investing. Can an advisor help me decide the right asset allocation based on my household budget? 

3) Do you provide a discretionary managed account? 

4) I want to start investment but principal protection is very important for me. What options are available?  

5) I want to know more about succession planning for my children and grandchildren. Where can I start? 

6) Before I remarry in the near future, I would like you to manage my assets to ensure a part of it remains for my child whom I had with my ex-spouse.

7) I heard that you have trust services that can reduce taxes. I would like to know more about succession planning to my children and grandchildren.

8) I recently immigrated to Canada with my family and am looking to set up a financial base. I hear RBC Wealth Management has a broad network with the bank, accountants, and realtors. Can you be my primary financial/asset management contact? 

9) My house will be sold soon and I am expecting a large amount of cash coming into my account. What investment options are available for me?

10) I am self-employed and cannot depend on public pension alone. I want to receive regular and stable income from investment.

11) I am looking for investment options for my employees' retirement allowance and pension. Can you provide a solution to secure enough cash at the same time of their retirement? 

12) I have a broker account at other company, in which I currently have some mutual funds. Is it possible to do in-kind transfer to RBC Wealth Management, possibly without seeing my current advisor? 

13) I have assets in JPY and USD. Is it possible to transfer them as they are?

14 ) Are there high-interest savings accounts? 

15) To start investment, do I need to have SIN (Social Insurance Number)?

16) I want to talk to an advisor for my investment options but live far from your Vancouver Office. Can I talk to an advisor over the phone before I decide to visit your office? 

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